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Mykonos Island to Bodrum

Cabin Charter - Classic Gulet with A/C

  • 7 Nights
  • Full Board
  • Crewed
  • A/C
  • Shared
  • No Pets
  • Adult 12+
1 Day

Mykonos Town

Welcome to Greece! Jump on board to meet your Captain, crew and fellow travelers. After meeting with your tour leader in the afternoon the rest of the evening will be free to explore this amazing island on your own. It is no coincidence that this, the most cosmopolitan of all Greek islands, attracts so many visitors from the entire globe.

Here the steep mountains to be encountered in most of the Cyclades islands give way to low, rocky hills which combine with superb beaches. The capital Hora, with its colorful harbor in which little fishing boats nest happily side by side with luxury yachts, presents quite a different picture from that of the majority of Aegean island towns. Mykonos is spread out over a flat area, and the whitewashed streets stand as brilliant white cubic houses with stepped walls for sitting on.

2 Day

Paros Island

Departing from Mykonos in the small hours of the morning and heading for Paros. Here we will have a swimming stop.  Paras town is relatively large with a population of 3,000 residents. It is also the cultural and commercial center of the island of Paros and has a fine port. The architecture is typical Cycladic with its whitewashed walls and lots of green foliage. Multi-colored windows and doors break the dashing white brilliance. The port will greet you with its whitewashed windmill, and the town will provide you with plenty of fine food and lovely sights to walk around and enjoy.

Naxos Island

Then we will set sail to Naxos. The island of Naxos is the largest and most central island in the Cyclades. Approaching the island by boat, you can see two small islands to the left and right of the harbor, one with the little church of Myrtidiotissa, and the other called Palatia which is linked to Naxos Town. The imposing gate, Portara is an ancient marble temple dedicated to Apollo. Ligdamis ordered this to be built in the god's honor in the 6th century B.C. After the orientation walk in this impressive island, you will have more free time to explore the town and to swim in the warm waters of the Aegean Sea.

3 Day

Ios Island

Early this morning we pull anchor and start the sail to Ios. A lazy day ahead filled with sun tanning, listening to music and onboard meals. We stop at an ideal swimming spot on the way to Ios - the famous tourist destination. Visitors come for its golden beaches and the characteristic Aegean architecture. Ios is well known as the party island with the lively atmosphere and the endless fun. The capital is built at the point where the ancient city was, where white houses unfold and its windmills and narrow small roads can be seen on the hilltops. We remain floating in the bay over night.

4 Day

Santorini Island

Welcome to Sanorini, this world-famous island is perhaps the jewel in Greece’s crown. Santorini offers everything you could ever desire and more. The island sits next to a submerged volcano that inspires divers and sailors alike. The island itself is an outcropping of the volcano, and you can feel this raw attraction through red, black and white sanded beaches. There are two small islets that make up the volcanic chain and they are Thirasia and Aspro. The tops of the volcanoes are now the Kammeni islands, and they are covers with hot springs, and still show off gas emissions., proving that the volcano is not so dormant as might seem. Anyone visiting Greece must visit Santorini.

5 Day

Amorgos Island

Am frühen Morgen hängt es von den Wetterbedingungen ab, die wir nach Amorgos Island fahren. Amorgos ist eine der beliebtesten Inseln in Griechenland mit weißen Häusern, kristallklarem Wasser und einer ruhigen Atmosphäre. Es ist kein Zufall, dass Luc Besson den ersten Teil des Films "The Big Blue" hier gedreht hat. Einst nur von jungen Reisenden besucht, ist Amorgos seit der Veröffentlichung des Films zu einer "trendigen" Insel geworden, und es ist keine Überraschung, dass Sie hier mehr abenteuerliche Menschen als sonst finden werden. Die Küste ist 112 km lang und von beeindruckenden Bergen und felsigen Hügeln umgeben. Die Insel ist einer der besten Orte, um traditionelle griechische Küche und Wein zu probieren. Am Abend haben Sie Zeit, die Insel auf eigene Faust zu erkunden.

6 Day

Levitha Island

We sail to Levitha. Levitha Island is also a popular island on the Aegean Sea famous for its white houses, long beaches and peaceful atmosphere.

7 Day

Kos Island

Heute morgen fahren wir zur Insel Kos, dem Geburtsort von Hippokrates, dem "Vater der medizinischen Wissenschaften". Kos ist die zweitgrößte Insel der 12 Dodekanes-Inseln und hat ein sehr mildes Klima und sehr fruchtbares Land. Die Insel beherbergt einen 560 Jahre alten Baum, einen 211 Jahre alten Brunnen und einen 290 km langen Strand. Sie können im Lambi Beach schwimmen, der sich in der Nähe des Hafens von Kos befindet.
Nachdem wir unseren Tag hier verbracht haben, fahren wir von Kos nach Bodrum, dem bekannten Kurort der Türkei. Bodrum ist das Zentrum des Nachtlebens in der türkischen Ägäisregion und für seine herrlichen Strände und Kreuzfahrten bekannt.
Die Geschichte von Bodrum reicht bis ins 12. Jahrhundert vor Christus zurück. Die Stadt wurde "Halicarnassus" genannt, der Geburtsort von Herodotus; der "Vater der Geschichte", der im 5. Jahrhundert vor Christus lebte Das Mausoleum von König Mausolus (350 v. Chr.), Eines der sieben Weltwunder, befindet sich in Bodrum. Das einzige Bauwerk, das von der Klassik überlebt hat, ist das Amphitheater. Es ist eines der ältesten Theater in Anatolien mit einer Kapazität von 13.000 Menschen und bietet immer noch viele Shows und Konzerte für Kunstliebhaber von Bodrum.
Ein anderer Ort, den Sie besuchen sollten, wenn Sie in Bodrum sind, ist das Wahrzeichen der Stadt 'Castle of Saint Peter'. Es ist eines der am besten erhaltenen Architekturstücke mit einer Geschichte, die bis ins Mittelalter zurückreicht. Das Myndos-Tor, durch das Alexander der Große in Halikarnassos eingedrungen ist, ist ein weiterer Ort, den Sie nicht versäumen sollten. Heute Abend erkunden wir die Bars, Pubs und das Nachtleben dieser beeindruckenden Stadt.

8 Day

The guests will leave the gulet with precious memories of the tour by 10:30 am after a hearty breakfast. 

* Please note that; depending on sea and weather conditions, captain reserves the right to make necessary changes to the tour itinerary to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests.


Please select a departure date and number of cabins on the booking module to see the price.

  • Classic Gulet with A/C
  • 7 Night - 8 Days
  • Saturday
  • Mykonos Town Harbor
  • 15:30
  • Bodrum Harbor
  • 10:30 After Breakfast
  • Included in The Prices
  • Yacht insurance (We advise you to take out your own individual travel insurance)
  • Full Board accommodation: Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea/coffee & cookies, dinner
  • A 0,5 lt bottled water per person is included only during the meals
  • All charter & berth taxes, Harbour & Port procedures
  • Transit log & related formalities for the shipping agents
  • Mooring expenses
  • Crew service
  • Ship water
  • Diesel & Gasoline expenses
  • Clean bed linen and bath towels on arrival (Beach towels are not provided)
  • Use of equipment on board. (Flippers, snorkel and fishing tackle etc.)
  • V.A.T.
  • Not Included in The Prices
  • Airport Transfers
  • Individual port taxes on arrival and departure in Turkey & also Greece.
  • Optional land tours and entrance fees to historical places and museums.
  • Alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages including bottled water. These can be purchased from the bar on board.
  • No child discount is available in any itinerary. No children under the age of 12 are allowed.
from - € Full Board
Mykonos Island to Bodrum Classic Gulet with A/C
Mykonos Island to Bodrum Classic Gulet with A/C

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